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Face-to-face interaction by SANAKO in classroom learning

Writer's picture: zaid studiozaid studio

SANAKO is used as a technology supported face-to face collaborative knowledge building (TF2F CKB) that encourages small group participation. The usage of this technology tools is to encourage the social interaction, and to facilitate joint problem solving in order to build better knowledges among the trainees.

While performing the process of TF2F by SANAKO, three types of actors are involved: the tutor as facilitator and activity planner, the trainee as task performer and technology as the Collaborative Learning Conversation or Communication tool software that provide a specific platform for trainees to display and record their F2F conversational.

The position of co-located trainees using SANAKO was set up in the classroom with clustered positions with semi-partitions separating each of the microcomputer workstations but closely face-to-face with one another as shown on Figure 2. This is to ensure that subjects should experience both computers and face-to-face at the same time.

The SANAKO that appeared on the screen of each computer, allowed the interaction between them to be recorded, saved and recovered at any possible time. Seating arrangements through classroom management software as shown in Figure 2 allow the facilitator to identify groups and put them into a “pair discussion” mode so that they could interact to one another. The teacher could control and monitor the individuals’ workstations as he desired by activating “workstation control”. The connection was indicated by the PC number appeared at the top left-hand corner of SANAKO as shown in Figure 3. With the feature of SANAKO, the trainees were able to save, record, play and listen to the discussion activity easily at their own pace.


You also can read here a smale scale study conducted by MLAC13 students on face to face interaction in technology supported environment among ESL teacher trainees lesson plan joint activity discussion in a microteaching course.



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